Dibawah ini terdapat 112 perintah yang dapat dijalankan pada Aplikasi Run, dimana di sebelah kiri adalah fungsi aplikasi, dan disebelah kanan adalah fungsi perintah yang dapat anda jalankan dengan mengklik Start, Run, lalu ketik perintah kemudian klik Ok.

81. Removable Storage==>Perintah==>ntmsmgr.msc
82. Removable Storage Operator Requests==>Perintah==>ntmsoprq.msc
83. Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof)==>Perintah==>rsop.msc
84. Scanners and Cameras==>Perintah==>sticpl.cpl
85. Scheduled Tasks==>Perintah==>control schedtasks
86. Security Center==>Perintah==>wscui.cpl
87. Services==>Perintah==>services.msc
88. Shared Folders==>Perintah==>fsmgmt.msc
89. Shuts Down Windows==>Perintah==>shutdown
90. Sounds and Audio==>Perintah==>mmsys.cpl
91. Spider Solitare Card Game==>Perintah==>spider
92. SQL Client Configuration==>Perintah==>cliconfg
93. System Configuration Editor==>Perintah==>sysedit
94. System Configuration Utility==>Perintah==>msconfig
95. System File Checker Utility (Segera scan)=>Perintah=>sfc /scannow
96. System File Checker Utility (Pindai Sekali Pada Boot Berikutnya) =>Perintah=>sfc /scanonce
97. System File Checker Utility (Scan seluruh Boot)=>Perintah=>sfc /scanboot
98. System File Checker Utility (Kembali ke setting Default)=>Perintah=>sfc /revert
99. System File Checker Utility (Purge File Cache)==>Perintah==>sfc /purgecache
100. System File Checker Utility (Set Cache Size untuk ukuran x)==>Perintah==>sfc /cachesize=x
101. System Properties==>Perintah==>sysdm.cpl
102. Task Manager==>Perintah==>taskmgr
103. Telnet Client==>Perintah==>telnet
104. User Account Management==>Perintah==>nusrmgr.cpl
105. Utility Manager==>Perintah==>utilman
106. Windows Firewall==>Perintah==>firewall.cpl
107. Windows Magnifier==>Perintah==>magnify
108. Windows Management Infrastructure==>Perintah==>wmimgmt.msc
109. Windows System Security Tool==>Perintah==>syskey
110. Windows Update Launches==>Perintah==>wupdmgr
111. Windows XP Tour Wizard==>Perintah==>tourstart
112. Wordpad==>Perintah==>write

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