So after milling a pocket in MDF to secure a copper clad board. It was clear that this wan’t a good option for what I need. The moment the CNC router started milling the copper the board would vibrate loose. I haven’t given up con the idea yet, but I am eager to create some PCBs!
So, this time I decided to use good old duct tape. By taping all four edges to a bed of clamped MDF, the copper board was stuck fast.
The copper board is 160x100mm, which is the maximum dimensions I can design to using my licence of Eagle Cad. Now Eagle on it’s own is not enough to produce the designs to pass to Mach 3 (CNC Control software). I found a free plugin calledPCB-GCODE which enables you to export a ‘Gcode’ file. The Gcode file is what Mach 3 requires to plot the CNC machine, it’s the milling program.
As this attempt wasn’t good enough, I didn’t drill the holes. However the PCB-GCODE plugin does produce the program to dill. Next time I hope to show it finished!
I will post the process of exporting the design from Eagle CAD to Mach 3 and the milling/drilling in another article soon!
Anyway, here is a video of my first attempt at isolation milling a copper clad board to produce a PCB.
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