Tips Hardware

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Yaitu adalah salah satu eror massage di home screen bila kita mencolokan aksesoris semacam mophie juice charger kabel data dll..
cara memperbaikinya agar tidak muncul massage seperti itu mudah
cukup restart iphone anda atau coba tiup dan bersihkan konektor yang ada di iphone atau aksesoris anda niupnya

Buat kalibrasi battery iphone

This can be done in 3 easy steps. You won’t loose any data and this procedure will not destroy your battery though it will add another cycle to the counter (So does every regular charging cycle).

Reset your iPhone by holding down the sleep/wake button and the Home button simultaneously until your iPhone resets. Ignore any pop-up messages and keep holding down both buttons until the screen turns black and the Apple logo appears. Now it’s ready to learn new values for the capacity of its battery.
Discharge your iPhone until it turns off automatically. The battery has reached a minimum level and the iPhone won’t turn on again. It shows you an emtpy battery icon and indicates to recharge. You don’t have to force a full discharge, you can just use it as usual until it turns itself off. To deplete your battery faster turn on 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS (Location Services) and turn up the brightness to max. Then run a video or just start Skype which is an excellent app to drain your battery quickly even without doing anything.
Fully charge your iPhone. That’s it, just charge it to the max and your iPhone learned the lowest and highest capacity levels of its battery.
Now the battery indicator should show you an accurate level of its charge and decrease more linear during operation.

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