In this post I will show you how you can get this theme on your iPod Touch or iPhone.
How to Install Whitoken on your iPod Touch or iPhone
You will need to first jailbreak, then install WinterBoard, and then add additional applications in order to install this theme. I will guide you through the process.
Part 1: Jailbreak and Install Cydia
In this part I will show you how to jailbreak and install Cydia on your iPod Touch/iPhone.
1. Download redsn0w, and check our guide on how to jailbreak your iPod Touch or jailbreak your iPhone.
2. You should see the above Cydia icon on your homescreen. Tap the Cydia icon.
3. When Cydia first launches it will ask you to choose what mode you want to use. Just tap User (Graphical Only). You can go back and change this later if you wish to.
4. Cydia will now check for updates and present you with the above prompt saying something like 2 Essential Upgrades. Tap the "Upgrade Essential" button.
5. Now Cydia will ask you to confirm your selection. Tap the Confirm button in the top right.
6. Cydia will now start updating. Once the update is complete it will show a "Complete" message. You will need to restart Cydia, tap the Close Cydia (Restart) button.
Part 2: How to Install WinterBoard
Part 2: Install Winterboard
This is the second part. You will now be installing WinterBoard. WinterBoard is an application that allows you to customize the design of your iPhone and iPod Touch. It's created by Saurik.
1. Tap the Cydia icon to launch Cydia.
2. Tap the Search icon on the bottom right and type in WinterBoard in the top search box.
3. Once you see WinterBoard in your search results, tap it.
4. Once you get to the WinterBoard package, tap the Install button on the top right.
5. Tap the confirm button on the top right to confirm your install.
6. Once WinterBoard is installed, you'll need to tap the "Reboot Device" button to reboot your device.
7. Congratulations, WinterBoard is now installed on your device. You should see the following icon labelled WinterBoard on your device once it restarts.
Part 3: Adding the required Cydia repositories
Part 3: Add the required repositories to Cydia
The Whitoken theme requires you to download additional applications from Cydia. By default Cydia already has all the repositories you need, except for the Touch-Mania repository which is required for this theme. Adding a repository is simple, and I will show you how to do it in this page.
1. Open Cydia.
2. Tap the Manage tab. Once you get there, tap the Sources button in the middle.
3. You should now see a listing of all the sources you have. Tap the Edit button in the top right.
4. After tapping the Edit button, tap the Add button and type enter the following Cydia/APT URL: After typing, press the Add button. Cydia will now add the Cydia/APT URL you entered.
5. Once Cydia has added the repository, it will say Complete. Tap the Return to Cydia button once you see this message.
Part 4: Downloading the required Applications
Part 4: Adding the required Applications
You need to install additional applications from Cydia to get the Whitoken theme to work. The following applications must be installed:
- iBlank
- BlankNull
- Categories
- Five Column Springboard
- FiveIRows GUI
- SpringJumps
- OpenSSH
Here is how to install these applications:
1. Open the Cydia app.
2. Tap the Search tab, and type in iBlank.
3. Tap the iBlank package in the search results and then tap the Install button in the top right.
5. Tap the Cancel/Queue button on the top left, and then tap the Continue Queuing button.
6. Tap the Search tab again and type in BlankNull, tap the BlankNull package in the search results. tap theInstall button on the top right, and then tap the Cancel/Queue button on the top left. Tap the Continue Queuing button.
7. Tap the Search tab again and type in Categories, tap the Categories package in the search results. Tap theInstall button on the top right, and then tap the Cancel/Queue button on the top left. Tap the Continue Queuing button.
8. Tap the Search tab again and type in Five Column Springboard, tap the Five Column Springboardpackage in the search results. Tap the Install button on the top right, and then tap the Cancel/Queue button on the top left. Tap the Continue Queuing button.
9. Tap the Search tab again and type in FiveIRows GUI, tap the FiveIRow GUI package in the search results. tap the Install button on the top right, and then tap the Cancel/Queue button on the top left. Tap theContinue Queuing button.
10. Tap the Search tab again and type in SpringJumps, tap the SpringJumps package in the search results. tap the Install button on the top right, and then tap the Cancel/Queue button on the top left. Tap the Continue Queuing button.
11. Tap the Search tab again and type in OpenSSH, tap the OpenSSH package in the search results. tap theInstall button on the top right, and then tap the Cancel/Queue button on the top left. Tap the Continue Queuing button.
12. Tap the Manage tab and then tap the Queue button in the top right.
13. Tap the Confirm button on the top right to install all the applications.
14. The required applications for the Whitoken theme have now been installed! Take a break and lets continue to the next page.
Part 5: Creating the Categories
Part 5: Creating the Categories
You need to create 4 categories for your iPhones using the Categories application. This post will show you how to do this.
1. Find the Categories application and tap it.
2. An about message will pop up. Just tap the OK button.
3. Tap the Add button in the top right corner.
4. Type in Home and tap Add.
5. A screen titled Icon For: Home will come up, chose any icon and tap on it.
6. You will now see a Folder which says Home (0) on your screen.
7. Tap the Home folder and then tap the Add button on the top right to add applications to the Home category.
8. A Tap to add screen should show up. Tap and add any application you want in to the Home category. This theme will have four applications per page, so do not add applications that you want to appear on your pages in to any folders. There will be a total of 16 applications that you should not put in to any folder. Here is an example list of applications you should not add:
- Preferences
- MobileSafari
- MobileMail
- MobileAddressBook
- Music
- Photos
- Videos
- Remote (if you have this)
- Cydia
- Winterboard
- Dictionary (if you have this
- Syncinablink (if you have this)
- Rolando 2
- Real Racing
- X-plane extreme
- Payback
9. Tap the Done button on the top left once you are done. Another screen will show up asking you to confirm your apps, if you added the right ones then tap Done.
10. Now you should be back at the Categories home screen. The Home folder should say Home(x), where x is the number of apps you have in this folder.
11. It's time to create the other folders. I'm just going to tell you what folders to create below, make sure you add every application in them except for 4 applications for each category (I listed apps I didn't add in step 8, you can use it as an example. ) . There should be a total of 16 apps that are not added to any folder. Here are the other folders you should add:
- Media
- Apps
- Games
12. Once you're done creating the categories and folders, exit the Categories application. Make sure you haveonly 3 icons on your dock. If you don't then hold down an icon for any application and put it on the dock.
Part 6: Configuring Settings
Part 6: Configuring Settings
In this part you will need to activate FiveIRows, activate Hidespringdots, and configure the SpringJumps app settings. Read on to find out how to do this.
1. Open the FiveIRows app.
2. Tap FiveIRows and Hide SpringDots so they switch to ON. Once you've done that you can close this app.
3. Open the SpringJumps app.
4. Under Preferences, tap General.
5. Slide the Page titles button to OFF. Make sure Jump Dock is OFF as well. Once you've done that tap the Back button.
6. Under Preferences, tap Jump Icons.
7. Slide the buttons for Pages 4 through 8 to OFF. Leave Pages 0 through 3 ON.
Part 7: SSH Time!
Part 7: SSH Time!
I. Download and install WinSCP on your computer.
2. Make sure your iPod touch/iPhone's WiFi is on and connected to a network. Go to Settings - > WiFi. Tap the arrow of the network you're connected to, and write down your IP address.
3. Open WinSCP. Click the New button on the top right. For Host name, enter in your iPod Touch/iPhone's IP address. For username enter in root and for password enter in alpine. Once you've entered in all this information, click the Save button and then click OK.
4. Click the login button. WinSCP will show "Searching for host..." and "Connecting to host..". After that a window will pop up saying that Host has not answered for more than 15 seconds, just wait. When you SSH for the first time it takes some time for WinSCP to login. Make sure your iPod Touch/iPhone is connected.
5. A Window saying "WARNING - POTENTIAL SECURITY BREACH" will pop up. Just click the Updatebutton.
6. If you're asked for your password, enter alpine and then click OK.
7. Now minimize the WinSCP window, and Download the Whitoken theme. Open the Whitoken ZIP file, and extract all the files to a folder named Whitoken on your Desktop.
8. Go back to WinSCP and on the left hand window locate your Whitoken folder where you extracted all the files.
9. Navigate to /private/var/stash/Applications. Copy all the files named from the Whitoken folder to this directory.
Part 8: Making Blank Icons & Rearranging
Part 8: Making Blank Icons & Rearranging
Now you need to make 44 blank icons on your iPod Touch/iPhone.
1. Open the iBlank app.
2. You need to create 44 blank icons, so click the button "10" 4 times, and then click the button "4" 1 time. You can use whatever combination you want, as long as you end up with 44 blank icons.
3. Now you need to rearrange the blank icons for each page too look like the above images. It will take a while to do it. Hold down the icons and drag them and try to make each page look like the screenshots above.
Part 9 - The Final Part: Folder Settings, SSH, and Theme Activation
Part 9 - The Final Part: Folder Settings, SSH, and Theme Activation
Finally! This is the last part. You need to apply a setting to each folder you created, then upload the Whitoken theme file using SSH, and then activate the Whitoken theme through Winterboard. Follow these steps below.
1. Tap the Home folder, and then tap the i button in the bottom right corner.
2. Use the settings in the above picture and apply it to each and every folder.
3. SSH in to your device using WinSCP. Upload the Whitoken by6MIK.theme folder from your Whitoken folder to /private/var/stash/Themes.
4. Open the Winterboard app.
5. Tap Whitoken by 6Mik. Also make sure you tap No Undocked Icon Labels and the No Docked Icon Labels.
6. Exit the WinterBoard app and the new theme will be applied. Congratulation, enjoy your new iPod Touch/iPhone theme. You can see how mine looks above. I'll be recreating mine since I didn't arrange my icons the way I wanted to. Remember to thank 6-mikdesign for this, he put a lot of work in to creating this.
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